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Four years ago when I started using a micro-blogging service, I revelled in the sheer simplicity and low barrier to communicating my thoughts. Blogging, in that era, seemed like a historical vestige on the verge of being consumed and overtaken by the rapid fire, real-time tweets of my peers. I jumped on that bandwagon, and never looked back. Until now.

Like my friend Chris and many others, I am reminded of the time when we used to have productive and lengthy discussions in and around blog posts. Moreover, I am reminded of the fact that when I truly need to find some snippet of information or tutorial on a particular web-related topic, the solution is rarely found in multiples of one hundred forty characters. Now, I'm not ditching Twitter. Micro-blogging does serve a very important role (and I was reminded of this during the recent tsunami/earthquake in Japan) in the effective transmission of near real-time information, but I miss the asynchronous nature of blogs and the less ephemeral nature of the community that surrounds them. It's about time that I do something to remedy that.