If you were to apply a bijective function to each letter in each word of a language (e.g. English), how many pre-existing words would you obtain in the resulting image?
Since that's a pretty convoluted way of explaining things, let's try a more concrete example.
We'll take the well-known rot13
substitution cipher (a simple example of a bijection between the set of letters in the English alphabet and itself), and apply it to every letter in a chosen word. For most words, the result will be non-sensical gibberish. There does exist, however, a subset of valid English words that map into other valid English words.
rot13('sync') = 'flap'
How many of these words exist? To answer this, I wrote a small Python script that loads up the words in my system dictionary into a Redis set. Another set of the rot13'ed words is then stored, and the set intersection of the original and transformed words is calculated:
import redis
def encode(word):
return word.encode('rot13')
def cleanup():
if __name__ == "__main__":
count = 0
db = redis.Redis()
for line in open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'r'):
count += 1
db.sadd('eng', line)
db.sadd('eng-rot13', encode(line))
if (count % 10000 == 0):
print "Loaded %d words so far" % count
db.sinterstore('eng-intersect', 'eng', 'eng-rot13')
msg = "English dictionary contains %d words, and %d rot13'ed words"
print msg % (db.scard('eng'), db.scard('eng-rot13'))
print "Cardinality of intersection: %d " % db.scard('eng-intersect')
After a simple cardinality check, we have our answer: 256 words1.
This result does not discard any single letter words (e.g. "a"), which will always trivially map into another letter when using rot13.